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International Journal of Broadcasting and Communications Technology

The International Journal of Broadcasting and Communication Technology (IJBCT) is a scholarly and interdisciplinary publication produced by the Department of Broadcasting at the School of Communication, Lagos State University. The journal is released twice per year, though its frequency may increase if the editorial board determines that resources are available to support such a change.

IJBCT is available to readers in both print and online formats. All articles undergo rigorous peer review by at least two assessors, with book and film submissions reviewed by one. The journal evaluates each submission based on its individual merit and contribution to knowledge, irrespective of the author's gender, ideology, race, or ethnicity. As an equal opportunity journal, IJBCT values inclusivity and diversity.

Authors of successful submissions may be required to provide a stipend to support publication costs, but in return, they will receive two copies of the edition in which their work is featured. Overall, IJBCT is a reputable and inclusive journal that values quality, accessibility, and diversity in publishing.