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Privacy policy


What we collect

This section explains what personal information we collect.


This section describes what personal information we may collect from you when you use our products and services, and what other personal information we may receive from other sources.


In this Privacy Policy, personal information refers to the types of personal information that may be collected and used, including:


         Contact details such as name, email address, postal address, and telephone number

         Educational, nationality and professional information

         Usernames and passwords

         Payment information, such as a credit or debit card number or bank account details

         Comments, feedback, posts, and other content submitted, including survey information

         Interests and communication preferences including marketing permissions where appropriate

         Location information, such as provided through a mobile app

         Information verifying your identity such as passport details to comply with legal obligations in certain countries and to provide visa invitation letters, where requested

         Website and communication usage information, such as correspondence and details of your use of our website and services obtained through cookies or other tracking technologies


This personal information relates to the following categories of people:


         Prospects, customer contacts, subscribers, and users in respect of our services and products

         Visitors, sponsors, exhibitors, and speakers at our events

         Professionals featured in digital and print products, such as senior executive details made available through intelligence products, research, publications

         Authors, editors, and reviewers in respect of our publications

         Contacts of our service providers and business partners


We may collect this information directly from you when you register for an event or engage with our services and/or platforms. We may also collect this information from third-party partners and public sources to the extent permitted by applicable data protection law. In some cases, the data we collect from third parties is provided in a pseudonymised form and we are only able to connect it to you, if, and when you enter your email address on one of the Informa sites.


Sensitive personal information

If collecting or storing sensitive personal information such as information relating to health, beliefs, or political affiliation, we will typically ask for your explicit consent. However, there are some limited situations where this will not occur, such as if you have an accident. If this does occur, we will ensure your privacy rights are protected.


Children’s personal information

Our services and products are directed at academics and business professionals. They are not intended for children under the age of sixteen. We do not knowingly collect personal information from users in this age group and reserve the right to delete such information if we become aware of having collected it. If children’s data is collected, this is only via direct input from parents, guardians or teachers, and its usage is protected by clear licence terms aligned with applicable laws.

How and why personal information is used

This section explains how and why we use personal information.

Product enquiries, sales, and administration

If you have made an enquiry about us or our products or services, either online or over the phone, your personal information will be used to respond to the enquiry or to take other steps at your request, prior to you entering into a contract with us.


We will use your personal information, including bank or card details, if you have purchased or registered for one of our goods or services, including on a trial basis, to provide you with the product or service, communicate with you about it, process payments, and collect any debts.


Call monitoring for training and quality monitoring purposes

Where one of our sales representatives speaks to you over the phone, the calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.


To include professional information in our products and consulting services

If your professional personal information is relevant to our products and is freely available through public sources, such as a website related to your work or profession, listed directories, press releases, or industry publications, or if you provide it to us, to the extent permitted by applicable data protection laws, we may use such personal information in the products we provide to customers, for example in subscription products, research, industry analysis and insights.


If you make an enquiry or engage us to provide consulting services or research/analysis, we will collect information such as your name, country, job title, company information or academic affiliation, postal address, e-mail address and telephone number. We will use your personal information to respond to the enquiry or to fulfil consulting services.


For event and exhibition management

If you participate in one of our events as a speaker, sponsor, exhibitor or attendee, your personal information will be used in connection with the running of the event, to handle payments and recover debts.


We will also use your personal information to maintain databases that allow us to assess your qualities as a speaker or sponsor/exhibitor, promote events and encourage further engagement at our events.


In addition, photos and videos are taken at our events, which may feature attendees, speakers, sponsors, or exhibitors. Where we have taken photos and videos at our events that feature you as an attendee, sponsor, or exhibitor, to the extent permitted by applicable data protection laws, those photos and videos may be used for promotional purposes.


Where events and exhibitions use badge scanning technology, your personal information will be used to identify you at certain access points, such as to access VIP areas, seminars, and entry and exit in other areas of the event. This will provide certain location information. Badges cannot be read remotely.


The personal information obtained from badge scanning will be used for access control, security and analysing visitor traffic with a view to improving the event experience for visitors and others.


You can also allow your badge to be scanned by event exhibitors. When you do so your contact details will be shared with the relevant exhibitor and used in accordance with applicable data protection laws, the exhibitor’s privacy policy and any other notices or consents you are provided with or given at the event.


Where we are hosting and managing a virtual exhibition or event, Informa (and any third-party platform provider acting on our behalf) will use your personal information provided during the registration process to host and manage this digital event; and also, for analysing visitor interactions and traffic with a view to improving the event experience for visitors and provide you with a personalized experience.


When you enter virtual spaces, zones, or rooms such as an exhibition booth, your personal information may be shared with the sponsor and exhibitor to allow them to engage with you subject to the attendee privacy notice you may have been provided during the registration and login process.


For our Publishing Services

If you publish work with us, your personal information, including the personal information of any named representative or beneficiary, is used in connection with the dissemination and promotion of your published work, and fulfilment of any contractual obligations, as is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests as a commercial organisation. Your name and affiliation will be published as part of authored work. Personal information is also used to handle payments or for other purposes, as is necessary to perform the contract entered into with us.


In addition, we sometimes take photos and videos at events associated with your published work. Where photos and videos are taken at our events that feature you as an author, we may use those photos and videos for promotional purposes.


For marketing

The relevant Informa Controller may use your personal information to send you newsletters, offers or other marketing emails that keep you up to date with our news, events and products that may be of interest. Depending on the nature of your interaction with us and applicable data protection laws, you may have actively given us your consent (i.e., opted in) or we may be entitled to rely on your implied consent or legitimate interests to market to you. The opportunity to opt-out of future marketing will always be provided, and you have the right to amend your marketing preferences at any time (see Your Rights section).


Many of our events and products are co-branded or sponsored by third-party exhibitors or sponsors. We may share your details with these third-party partners. Where this happens, a clear notice will be provided, that gives the opportunity to opt-out or opt-in to such sharing as required by applicable data protection laws. The third-party partner’s use of your details will be in accordance with the notice provided and its privacy policy and is not covered by this Privacy Policy.


For our client-facing marketing services

Informa will combine the personal information that they collect from you, including much of the information in the “what we collect” section above, with personal data collected from certain trusted third-party sources and use this information to create profiles in order to determine your/your company’s commercial interests.


For example, we will collate the information you provide as part of your registration for events, the information you generate in connection with your attendance at events, information obtained by us using first-party cookies and tracking technology on our websites and apps and certain information we obtain from third parties (such as data providers) to analyse, segment, and determine which marketing segments you fall within.


This information can then be used by, or for the benefit of, our clients in different ways as part of our marketing service offering to enable these clients to undertake tailored and targeted advertising campaigns. Our clients can present individuals with information about products and services that our clients think will be of interest to them via various channels based on the marketing segments we have developed and allocated individuals to. In many cases, these advertising campaigns are run by us on behalf of clients without us ever sharing any personal data with the relevant clients (including via marketing emails, and social media channels and our advertising partners who facilitate advertising on third-party sites). In other cases, we may provide to clients information that the client is unable to use to identify you in order for them to instigate their own marketing campaigns. In all cases, our activities are undertaken to the extent permitted by applicable law. These activities are undertaken based on individuals’ marketing consents. Therefore, if you have exercised your rights to opt-out of email marketing, you will not be marketed to in connection with the marketing services we provide to clients via any channel.


The activities that we, and our third-party partners, undertake may entail automated and machine learning-based processing of data to analyse or predict behaviours and preferences (e.g. interests in certain content, services and/or at events). The algorithm will identify companies and individuals with similar characteristics to companies and individuals that we know are interested in certain services, generating a similarity score for those clients. We will then enrich the information we hold about companies and individuals and send advertising to prospects based on this analysis.


In social media

We may use your personal information to undertake advertising campaigns on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook to provide information about upcoming events or new products and ensure you only receive relevant advertising about our products and services. We may share your personal information with social media platforms so that you see advertising about our, or our partners’ products, and services that we think you will be interested in when you interact with the relevant social media platform. We may also share your personal information with social media platforms to help us present relevant advertising to individuals who the social media platforms determine are likely to have similar interests to you.


We maintain presences on social media platforms, through our company and brand pages. We collect personal information when you interact with us on social media. Please note that these social media platforms may set cookies and other tracking technologies on your device when you visit their pages and when you navigate from their pages. The output of such information may be provided to us (usually for statistical purposes to see how users interact with our content on social media platforms). The social media platforms are responsible for how they handle your personal information and information about how these social media platforms collect and use your personal information (and how they use cookies and other technologies, including instructions on how you can disable these) can usually be found in their respective privacy policies and cookies policies on their respective websites. For customer and prospects management (including analytics and product management)


For customer and prospects management (including analytics and product management)

The personal information held about you, combined with other personal information legitimately obtained and shared with us by third parties or publicly available data, may be used to better understand our customers and their preferences and to improve the products and services delivered. This may include automated profiling and campaign management techniques.


Data may also be used in advertising campaigns on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook in order to provide information about upcoming events or new products and to ensure you only receive relevant advertising about our products and services as described above.


For mobile applications and website analytics

We may combine visitor session information or other information collected through tracking technologies, whether you are logged in or not, with personally identifiable information to understand and analyse your online experiences and determine which events, products and services are likely to be of interest to you.


Where you consent to the use of your location data, certain mobile applications may use location data to assist you to navigate around events and bring exhibitors’ and sponsors’ products to your attention whilst you are using the app.


Our marketing-related emails contain a single, campaign-unique “web beacon pixel” to tell us whether emails are opened, and combined with other technology, to verify any clicks through to links within the email. We may use this information for purposes including determining which of our emails are more interesting and to query whether users who do not open our emails wish to continue receiving them. The pixel will be deleted when you delete the email.


Where you subscribe to an online service, the accompanying emails similarly include a pixel. We track interaction with these emails and our online services to validate attendance for accreditation purposes, to help determine which information is of interest to you and to customise the advertisements seen on our sites.


If you do not wish the pixel to be downloaded to your device, you should choose not to click links that we send or to opt-out of email marketing or online events. This information may be connected to your personal identity.


While we strive to offer choice when using our website and mobile applications, we do not promise that we will be able to receive or honour web browser Do Not Track signals.


Within online membership communities, bulletin boards and chat areas

You may choose to participate in online membership communities on our sites that allow you to create and publish a profile and other personal information. These communities may provide privacy controls that allow choice in how much of your profile and other information to make public or to share with others within the community.


Privacy controls are usually found on the page on which you edit your profile, and each individual is responsible for understanding how those controls work, including default settings, and choosing how the information provided is shared and protected. By participating in these online membership communities you may be contacted by other participants using the information provided.


When you disclose personal information on any public community boards or chat areas on such websites, your personal information can be collected and used by anyone who views that board or area. This may result in unsolicited messages from other participants or other parties, which are outside of our control or responsibility.


However, where you engage with us in customer enquiry chat areas, this is private and we will use any information provided to help recommend products and/or assist with confirming any order you wish to place.


For enquiries

Any personal information provided on the Contact Us page will be used only to provide a response or to service the request or enquiry made. The information provided will not be added to the marketing or customer prospect databases of Informa’s operating divisions.


For news alerts

The information collected when you sign up for news alerts is used only to provide that service, and to understand the background and interests of our subscriber list.


In providing the service we gather statistics about how many emails are opened, using industry-standard technologies including image downloads. This is to help us monitor and improve the news alerts service and information is collected and analysed at an aggregate level only.


With your permission, from time-to-time Informa may use your registration details to contact you about the news alerts service. You can unsubscribe from the service at any time using links provided within our emails.


In automated decision-making, including profiling

We use fully automated algorithm-based technologies to personalise dynamic web content based on your explicit and/or implicit interests. General profiling, such as segmentation, is carried out for the purpose of providing a more relevant experience. Additionally, in our publishing business, it may be used where your answers to an application to receive a sample inspection copy of a textbook determines whether the request is granted or is implemented in certain cases, to ensure we deliver a timely and reliable service to customers. Automated decision-making is never used in any way that produces a legal or similarly significant effect.


When we use these techniques, we use measures to avoid legally discriminatory biases and inaccuracies. These automated processes may result in different content being shown to you.


For fulfilment of our legal obligations including anti-fraud measures and screening

It is industry standard for companies to access and use certain personal information to prevent fraud, as may be required by applicable law and regulation and best practice at any given time. If false or inaccurate information is provided and fraud is identified or suspected, details may be passed to fraud prevention agencies and may be recorded by us or by them.


To ensure we comply with international trade sanction laws and regulations, where appropriate customers, vendors and suppliers are screened against applicable sanctions lists.


Third-party links

This section explains that third-party links on our websites are subject to separate privacy practices.

This website contains links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these websites and do not accept any liability in connection with their content. We recommend reviewing the privacy policy of each third-party site linked to this website to determine its use of your personal information.


How we protect personal information

We recognise the importance of protecting and managing personal information. Your personal information will be treated with the utmost care and security This section sets out some of the security measures in place.


We use a variety of physical and technical measures to keep personal information safe and prevent unauthorised access to, or use or disclosure of it. Electronic data and databases are stored on secure computer systems with control over who has access to information using both physical and electronic means. Our colleagues receive data protection training and there is a set of detailed security and data protection policies which colleagues are required to follow when handling personal information.


While we take all reasonable steps to ensure that personal information will be kept secure from unauthorised access, we cannot guarantee it will be secure during transmission by you to a website or other services, as we do not control that transmission. We make use of HTTPS (HTTP Secure) whereby the communication protocol is encrypted via Transport Layer Security (TLS) for secure communication over a computer network. The website is loaded via HTTPS, represented by the lock icon in your web browser ensuring the transmission is secured with a certificate issued by an official security certificate authority to the Informa Controller operating it.


International transfer of personal information

This section explains our process around transferring personal information internationally.


Due to the international nature of our business and the technologies required, personal information may be accessed by our colleagues and third-party service providers from locations all around the world, whose data protection laws may not be as extensive as those in regions such as the European Union.


We put in place appropriate protection to make sure your personal information remains adequately protected and is treated in line with this policy and applicable data protection laws.


Certain country-specific requirements apply to this section, as listed below in the country supplements below.



More information on our use of cookies can be found in our Cookie Policy.


A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identifier that is automatically placed on a user’s computer or other devices when the user visits a website. For more information, please visit our Cookie Policy link at the bottom of the website.

How long your information is kept

We will only retain personal information for as long as is necessary and as permitted by applicable laws.


We will retain personal information while we are using it, as described in the section above. We may continue to retain it after we have ceased such uses for certain legitimate business purposes. For example, if you have opted out of marketing communications from us, we will retain limited details about you to ensure we can honour your opt-out request. We may also continue to retain your personal information to meet our legal requirements or to defend or exercise our legal rights.


The length of time for which we will retain your personal information will depend on the purposes for which we need to retain it. After we no longer need to retain your personal information, it will be deleted or securely destroyed.


Your rights

This section explains your legal rights in relation to how we process your personal information depending on the jurisdiction.


Informa Group operates in countries with data protection laws that provide different rights to individuals in respect of access, deletion, rectification and limiting processing of personal information. In most cases the location of the Informa Controller will determine the rights you are entitled to.


The rights set out below apply regardless of where the Informa Controller is located. In order to understand the other rights, you have, use the links for the country where the Informa Controller you engage with is located. Certain country specific requirements apply to this section, which are listed in the country appendices.


To make a request you can contact Informa’s Privacy team via our online privacy form and submitting a request.


Contacting us

For any questions about this Privacy Policy contact our Group Data Protection Officer.


For any questions about this Privacy Policy or our use of your information, you can contact our Privacy team by submitting a request here.


You can also contact our Group Data Protection Officer at 4, Oba Goriola Avenue, Iba Town, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria.


We hope we will be able to resolve any privacy concerns you may have. However, you always have the right to complain to any supervisory authority or other public body with responsibility for enforcing privacy laws in your country. The contact details for the supervisory authority in the country for each Informa Controller are set out in the country supplement.


Changes to this Privacy Policy

Please keep in mind that we change our Privacy Policy on a regular basis.


We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time in order to stay up with new legislation, best practises, and changes in how we treat personal information. We may notify you through email if we have your personal information, or we may amend the Policy without notice by posting an updated version on this website. Check back frequently to remain up to current on any changes.